Monday, August 13, 2012


During the weekend, the local mall actually invited some Plants & Zombies for a short sing and dance session. 
Now, the truth is, in our house, Mama is the one playing the game. But having an iPad laying around about the house with the game was enough to familiarize Kecil to the figures.
And so we were stuck, figuratively, with going to see the said show.
That's effective marketing for you, I suppose.

The seats are available only for those who have made some purchase at the mall, and since we did not need anything that day, we just watched from the gallery upstairs. Thankfully it was not too long.

Another benefit of watching from upstairs was that we did not have to endure the oh-so-loud music. The railings (with it's fiberglass panels) kind of protected us a bit, and the sound was not so loud upstairs. Still... Kecil was mesmerized.

T'was a good weekend.

Last tip?
We chose the 1pm slot (instead of the 3pm or the 6pm ones) as we thought it would be less crowded, and it was fine. I think because most people are still having their lunch somewhere else. The 6pm slot is not recommended as it is just right before dinner, and would have the biggest crowd (we were there the day before around 6.20 and the crowd was unbelievable!).

Here's looking forward to more local events. After 3 years of having to drive 60 odd km to the nearest mall, it's kind of nice to have civilization right at your doorstep, kind of. Cheers!

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