Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sleepy Head....Z..Z..Z..

This little baby has a great ability to sleep anywhere.

She can sleep in her pram...

in her pram during mass in church...

on mummy's lap in the bus...

on Tante's lap in the taxi...

in mummy's side of the bed...

in her own cot for nap with bunny...

even without bunny!


Nyam nyam... huh?
now what are you looking at me like that for?
I just had a very nice dream, didn't I?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Baby's growing...

Mummy, are you sure I am growing?
Why of course, my dear.

baby can lift up her head,

can dream...

can sit in her own baby chair...

dress up and sit at the sofa primly...
I'd say you've grown all right!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Look Ma, no hands!


Mummy, why are you playing with the computer instead of with me?

(look at those eyes!)
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