It's been raining left, right, front and center around here. Siiiiggghhh.....
It has meant long days spent at home, and bringing umbrellas on walkies (which tend to be short to avoid getting trapped in the next bout of torrential rain)... all not very inspiring this Mama to take many pictures.
For one, the lighting is not something that Mama has quite mastered yet.
Then there's the lack of extra hand to carry the umbrella, the dog-leash, the camera, not to mention all the knick knacks Kecil either bring with her, or pick up along the way.
There's the weather, WET and humid weather, with strong wind and torrential rain that could appear out of the
But the thing is, even our walkies got cut short, in more ways than one.
For one, the ever threatening rain means we can't simply take our own sweet time strolling around for fear of getting drenched. Trust me, umbrella has limited utility when the rain falls sideways.
Two, Kecil does not like rain.
Three, the Dog is absolutely terrified of thunder. Distant rumble is enough to keep her glued on the spot.
Anyway, the other day we actually managed to reach these steps and this bridge before another spray of rain fell on us.
And so, despite the umbrella, Kecil begged to go home.
She does NOT like walking in the rain that much.
And so we turned back.
And spent some outdoor time just in front of the house, since we can quickly get under cover should another bout of rain decide to renew its attempt at drowning this part of the world. Hmmhhh.....
Kecil seemed to have a good time, though. Although the Dog and Mama seems to be getting fatter due to lack of exercise.
Siiiggghh..... let's see if it stops raining tomorrow. Perhaps at least Mama and the Dog can have a quick walk in the morning before the school run.
If the Skool does not get cancelled due to the rains, that is.
Here's to better weather ahead.
Just in case you cannot tell, this Mama is mighty tired of rain, rain and yet more rain. Grr!!!
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