Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ship Seeing

The sun was shining brightly up in the clear blue sky the other day.
And given that we have our own ride home from Skool, we decided to do a little bit of sight ship-seeing.

The park, beach and the pier is actually not too far away from Skool.
It is, however, a bit out of the way of the public transport.
That makes the walk from Skool to this particular spot not quite feasible, especially bearing in mind the timing of Kecil's Skool.
Around 11 am, either it would be extremely hot and sunny during sunny weather, or raining torrentially.
No, walking is out of the question. With the car, however, it was a real short drive.

As an added bonus, that day there were 2 big ships mooring at the pier: a humongous US Navy Hospital ship, and a Japanese carrier. Kecil, I'll have you know, is always excited to see ship. She's funny like that.

Well, if it's not already obvious, it was pretty hot that day, so we settled with taking some pics and left. It so happen that Mama was armed with the small camera, hence we managed to take some pics ...

Just too bad that after using the Big camera for so long, the picture quality from the small one is always something that I have to 'settle down' for.
Oh well, but at least we did go a ship-seeing and we have the pics to prove it. We might just come back another day, armed with the big camera, just so we have better looking pics.

Until then!

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