Sunday, April 27, 2014

Kecil news

It's been a while since our last update. Ahem... more than a month, actually. So... I guess it's high time for another big excuse. Ahahaha..... Well... I guess this one IS kind of big. Let's try this one:


Haha... big enough an excuse for you?
Basically this Mama had been .... 'unwell' for a while now, and well... when you are unwell, you don't feel like doing most things, including, unfortunately, updating the blog.
But it's taking a turn for the better, now that we are into the 4th month, so, hopefully we'll be back in this space again, even if the stories are still 'old stories' (not well = no update and not new pics).

This Mama has started updating the photoblogs (Mama's & Kecil's) with some of the more recent pics. The keyword is, of course, starting. Still... it's kind of good to be back somewhat on track.

As for this announcement pics, well... they've been languishing in the computer for a while, waiting for a good time to be launched. Now that Mama is feeling marginally better, I guess it's as good as any time.

Kecil had kindly co-operated, even if she was a bit mystified by Mama's request to take a picture with a blank book (which supposed to 'be' a chalkboard). Despite the camera gathering quite a layer of dust, I am glad that this Mama had not lost her touch. Kecil's expression.... priceless.
The writing on the 'blackboard' was added in post-production using Mama's favourite photo editing program, PicMonkey.

We are expecting the bundle of joy to arrive some time early October, so you might expect more 'missing' around then. But for now, let's hope for more updates, both the old and the recent stories. In the meantime, let me dust that camera first. Cheers!

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