Monday, November 25, 2013

Swimming in School

Between the carpool and the fact that Kecil is now getting bigger, this Mama does not quite spend a lot of time hovering around her anymore, especially in school. But when it came to the first swim of the term..... now that's a different thing, isn't it?

Sometime last month, the weather finally let up, and the teachers finally started rolling the kids through a rotation for a swim at the pool. Parents were invited to volunteer, but even without the invitation, this Mama was curious enough to come anyway.
Of course, on the D Day, this silly Mama came waay to early, and spent quite a bit of time taking pictures before finally the kids emerged from the school building.

Already in their swimming suit, lined up in a line like very cute little ducklings..... aren't they adorable?
Anyway, before anyone got into water, it was time for some safety briefing. Very important!
The rules: no running around the pool, everyone must be in the water, no touching or splashing without unless the other party is agreeable.
Sensible rules.

And once the formalities were done... it was splashing time!

Those kids obviously had a capital time. Rest assured that they do get regular dose of wet activities at the school pool (they do!).
Until then!

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